Living our Values

Our Values are like the the rushing movement and force of a river which propels us forward in this life.  We hold a “center-set” mentality, which believes that we are continually growing into our values and that we are not to take our eyes off  of the goal. The Acronym C.R.O.S.S. serves to remind us daily to take up our cross and follow Jesus. The river banks for our values are our Assumptions, Beliefs and Convictions. (next page) This creates the boundaries by which this following river is held together, giving it both direction and power.

Expressed through Authenticity
We are compelled to live a life of influence that draws others into a relationship with Christ.
Expressed through Healing
We seek to provide the opportunity for all to experience community,
wholeness and transformation through Jesus.

Expressed through Community
We believe we must love each person regardless of their
conviction for Christ, and that each individual story seeks validation.
Expressed through Connections
We are committed to removing barriers between people and God and this pursuit is dependent on our own willingness to be vulnerable.

Expressed through Going Out
We are motivated by the calling of Christ to live out our faith in a natural, attractive manner through our everyday experiences.
Expressed through Kingdom Growth
We aim to influence our surroundings being a source of hope, redemption, justice and peace in our community.

Expressed through Spiritual Growth
We will serve one another, our neighbors and our world compassionately, encountering and being dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Expressed through Celebration
We find joy and honor exalting Christ with a passion for God’s glory and not our own.

Expressed through Shepherding

We are dedicated to training, equipping and empowering transformed people of all faith levels to live out a Christ-centered life.
Expressed through Identity
We are directed by our calling discovered by God’s imprint on our life; our gifts, skills, talents and passions are lived out with clarity.

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