God-sized-hope. Perfection Guaranteed.

Kingdom Principle: Kingdom Servants – know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

Kingdom Servants follow a plan of Hope

Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

I often hear when Christians lamenting, “I wish I knew what God’s will for my life was…”.  This cry is often not a rejection of the Scriptures or a belief that God does not have a plan for their life, rather it is a confession that they don’t know understand the Scriptures and they have yet to figure out how it is that God’s plan is working in their life. Clearly in searching for God’s will, they are not giving up on Jesus, however they are struggling to follow Jesus’ teaching. Jesus say’s “deny yourself (humility) and take up your cross (not Jesus’ cross)”, this paradoxical step of looking past yourself to find yourself, is the first one to take in discovering God’s will for your life. The question to know God’s will is honest, the hope is real, but the answer is not really desired, for it requires one to submit their whole life, body and soul and spirit unto the Living God.  Seeking God’s will is not the same as seeking your preferred future. (When we think of Hope as the preferred future, we have misunderstood Biblical Hope.) James points out if we ask for wisdom it is given and in Proverbs we learn that Wisdom is calling out with the answer. The mystery lies not in the answer, rather it lies in the inability of the ask’er to listen and apply all that has already been said/given. Therefore Hope actually lies in understanding the past, while it is Faith that is required to change the future.  So in a sense – God is simply saying “Can you hear me now?”

The Plan of Hope is God’s will for your life… (this is the general plan for all God’s children, which will then open the door for you to discover your unique calling and purpose in this world.)

  1. Be filled with Wisdom & Understanding. We hear her voice and receive her spirit.  Servants of the King do not worry about the ups and downs of life, rather they celebrate deep and unwavering security and peace.
  2. Walking in Blamelessness & Righteousness. We are perfected in Christ, forgiven and free. Servants of the King fear the LORD (leads to wisdom) and mediate on the Word of God (deeps understanding. The walking is the living out of our being (Acts 17:28), Psalm 19:7-11 gives the benefits of this dedication. Be reminded, Wisdom, Understanding, Blamelessness & Righteousness are all gifts we received in Christ, which is in the past, for us to claim in the present.
  3. Claiming our Purpose & Calling. To believe that God designed you for a specific purpose and gave you a personal calling transforms how you look at all of life. Holistically the purpose and calling emerges, through denial of themselves (disciplining their body), take up their cross (developing their soul) and following Jesus (directed by His Spirit) we enjoy Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy ( see last week) as the signposts of life.

There are great benefits to the following the Plan of Hope….

  1. It removes the confusion and crisis of life in this world. When you soul is anchored in the Hope and Promise of God,(Hebrews 6:13-20) no longer are you tossed by the wind and waves of the world. (James 1:6, Eph 4:14) Further the mocking evil person has no hope, and the fool gives away false-hope.
  2. It brings clarity to one’s purpose and passion in life. When a person is not weighted down in confusion and under the cloud of suspicion – they can receive instruction and hear Wisdom clearly. In 1 Cor. 2:15-16, 2 Cor. 3:14-16 Paul addresses this as having the “Mind of Christ” as well as show what keeps us from having such clarity.
  3. Receiving Mercy over Judgment. The path of destruction and evil are clearly outlined, as well is the path of the servant who stands in the presence of the Son of Man in the final days. The Proverb seems very harsh, and it is, but is it the conclusion of a life lived in willful disobedience to the call of God.  God’s word teach us how to deal with the foolish and evil ones of this world in order to continue to follow Him.

Overall, the plan of Hope is the call for the church to be the Body & Bride of Christ, who are strangers and aliens in this world, yet who are now identified as people of faith. The church gathers and scatters – to Exalt the King in the advancement of the Kingdom of God, as a transformed community. It is this hope that changes and transforms all of us from foolish to wise, wandering to directed, and alone to in fellowship.

This is our plan of Hope as a Fellowship located in San Dimas, CA.

We will be Transformed – as the bride of Christ – as we fulfill the mission of Christ.  Jesus was sent by the Father to the world to dwell amongst us. As we enter into the covenanted relationship with Jesus we are transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. In our obedience to the King, we become the light which shines.  The Light of Christ shines through wisdom as we stand against evil and are not succumbed by fools.

We will be Community – as the body of Christ – as we fulfill the ministry of Christ.  Jesus in perfection fulfilled all things and gave to us the ministry of the Holy Spirit that we might do even more. The community reflects God’s own purposes and nature and is comprised of uniquely gifted members for the service of the King.

As a Transformed Community we are called to be set apart by Christ, to Christ and for Christ. We are called out by the answers to the questions of “What kind of People will we be?” What Kind of Plan will we follow?” and “What kind of Purpose will we share”. All of this is also answered in the questions of Jesus, “Who do you say I am? In unity the transformed community answers those questions being a People of Faith following a Plan of Hope for the Purposes of Love. (next week)

About chaplaincasey

In my Community I am a Chaplain, Coach and Catalyst.
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5 Responses to God-sized-hope. Perfection Guaranteed.

  1. Pingback: When God laughs it’s not funny | confrontingchaos

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  5. Pingback: SHUT UP -to- listen! | confrontingchaos

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